
Who is the Learning Coach?

The Learning Coach (formerly called an Exam Administrator or EA) is an adult who works actively with students in their environment and at their academic level to ensure success with distance education.

Learning Coaches must be approved by the student’s school of record, but NDCDE recommends the following considerations:

  • Secondary level Learning Coaches could be educational professionals such as teachers, counselors, administrators, librarians, support professionals, college faculty, military educational liaisons, or clergy.
  • Elementary level Learning Coaches could include the options above as well as a parent/guardian or a family member.

NDCDE instructors work closely with Learning Coaches to help support student success throughout the enrollment period as the duties will include:

  • Provide a secure, supervised, distraction-free environment
  • Provide assistance to the student at his or her academic level
  • Act as a communication point between the student and the NDCDE instructor(s) and faculty
    • Monitor and support the student's pacing and activity in the course
    • Encourage the student to seek support from the NDCDE teacher
    • Communicate with the NDCDE teacher as needed
    • Assist with student work submission and troubleshoot technology issues with NDCDE tech support as needed
    • Confirm arrival of printed course materials and secure supplies as required for the course
  • Ensure academic integrity in coursework and exams
    • Manually enter the test password; passwords are never to be given to students
    • Remain with the student during the entire testing period
    • Monitor and confirm that password-protected assessments are completed in one sitting, as they are time-sensitive
    • Ensure that there is no use of any resource on exams/tests unless specified by the NDCDE instructor and maintain a direct visual on the students' device for the duration of the exam
      • What is a resource? This may include but is not limited to notes, books, websites, peers, course content, online translators, external devices such as phones, tablets, etc.
  • Elementary Only: Be present at required weekly meetings between the student and NDCDE teacher

NDCDE reserves the right to request a New Learning Coach if the above requirements aren't fulfilled.